भोजपुरी के बढ़िया वीडियो देखे खातिर आ हमनी के चैनल सब्सक्राइब करे खातिर क्लिक करीं।
Home Interviews Yes I have refused 10 Bhojpuri films and I have a reason...

Yes I have refused 10 Bhojpuri films and I have a reason for it – Vinay Anand

vinay ravikishan manoj tiwari nirahua

In a one to one interview recently superstar Vinay Anand said he has decided that now he will only work with producers and directors who are capable of making good films. The actor said, “I will not work with filmmakers who make films for the sake of their hobby. I have recently refused 10 films in Bhojpuri because the those films had a weak storyline and the director-producer were also not efficient enough as they more than making a film were interested in filmgiri aspect of it. Bhojpuri cinema is not dependant on any one hero, distributor or financier. The day market overseas will open for it, Bhojpuri cinema will become one of the foremost film industries. Bhojpuri films will also start doing business of 100 crores. If the telugu and tamil films can do that amount of business than so can Bhojpuri films, nothing is impossible. The day ticket system in cinema halls in Bihar and U.P will be computerised it will also start doing more business. The time has come that we give the command of Bhojpuri films in the hands of the right person. Bhojpuri films will create a mark for itself not only in India but also overseas.

Yes I have refused 10 Bhojpuri films and I have a reason for it – Vinay Anand

पिछला लेखFirst Look of Bhojpuri Film A Balma Biharwala
अगिला लेखI love doing comedy films – Vinay Anand
टीम जोगीरा आपन भोजपुरी पाठक सब के ई वेबसाइट उपहार स्वरुप भेंट कर रहल बा। हमनी के इ कोशिश बा कि आपन पाठक सब के ढेर से ढेर भोजपुरी में सामग्री उपलब्ध करावल जाव। जोगीरा डॉट कॉम भोजपुरी के ऑनलाइन सबसे मजबूत टेहा में से एगो टेहा बा, एह पऽ भोजपुरी फिल्म इंडस्ट्री के टटका ख़बर, भोजपुरी कथा कहानी, भोजपुरी किताब, भोजपुरी साहित्य आ भोजपुरी से जुड़ल समग्री उपलब्ध बा।


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