भोजपुरी के बढ़िया वीडियो देखे खातिर आ हमनी के चैनल सब्सक्राइब करे खातिर क्लिक करीं।

Laat Sahab


Laat Sahab

Normally a star rises everyday in film industry but it is a rare one who influences the viewers deeply and makes his presence felt. Rajiv Dinkar is one of them who made his debut in this movie Laat Sahab. He is in the role of a spoiled young student. The film was released along with Kites of Rithik Roshan and did good business at many places in Bihar despite that.

Starring: Rajiv Singh Dinkar,Roobi Singh, Priya Sharma

Director: Ayush Prasad-Chandravansi

Producers: Ram Krishna Kumar


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